Day #14 of 30 Days prompting ChatGPT

Would ChatGPT be a good Kubernetes mentor?


I’m an intermediate full stack developer experienced with large-scale transactional web application in a traditional 3-tier architecture hosted on AWS. Where should I begin learning about containers and Kubernetes? What are the use cases where Kubernetes would be helpful?


Congratulations on your experience as a full-stack developer! If you’re interested in learning about containers and Kubernetes, there are a few resources and approaches you can consider.

Here are some steps you can take to get started with learning about containers and Kubernetes:

  1. Learn about containers: Start with the basics of containerization, including what containers are, how they work, and the benefits they offer over traditional virtualization. Docker is the most popular containerization platform, so it’s a good place to start. You can find many tutorials and courses on Docker to get you started.
  2. Learn Kubernetes basics: After getting familiar with Docker, you can move on to learning about Kubernetes, which is a popular container orchestration platform. Kubernetes is used to automate deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. You can start by learning the basics of Kubernetes, including its architecture, components, and basic concepts.
  3. Hands-on practice: Once you’ve grasped the basic concepts, you can start practicing by setting up a Kubernetes cluster, deploying applications, scaling them up and down, and troubleshooting common issues.

As for the use cases of Kubernetes, here are some examples:

  1. Scaling: Kubernetes can help you scale your applications automatically based on the demand. You can set up auto-scaling policies that add or remove resources based on CPU utilization, memory usage, or other metrics.
  2. High availability: Kubernetes can ensure high availability of your applications by automatically deploying and managing replicas across multiple nodes in the cluster.
  3. Zero downtime deployments: Kubernetes can help you deploy new versions of your applications with zero downtime by gradually rolling out new replicas while removing old ones.
  4. Multi-cloud deployments: Kubernetes can be used to deploy and manage applications across multiple cloud providers and on-premise infrastructure, providing a consistent deployment and management experience.

I hope this helps you get started on your journey to learning about containers and Kubernetes. Good luck!


Generally a good mentor.  Provided solid advice for structuring a learning program and pointed to another closely-related technology, Docker.  As for use cases, this was a strong response, giving specific examples where k8s would be useful.