NāOM Lab supports FOSS communities by serving as Fiscal Sponsor for FOSS projects and related collectives. We work with leading FOSS organizations like Cloud-Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)/Linux Foundation and Apache Foundation Incubator. Our principal, Matthew Cascio, is also a CNCF Ambassador and KCD organizer.

As a Fiscal Sponsor, we provide:

  • Fiduciary services to bill and collect funds as well as pay bills on behalf of your project or collective
  • Startup and organizing advisory
  • Seed investment (e.g. subsidizing costs cloud services and premium licenses)
  • For Kubernetes Community Days collectives on CNCF, we offer assistance to new KCDs working through the Getting Started Checklist as well as helping organize events (e.g. using CNCF’s Bevy and SM Apply platforms, event logistics, etc.)

Fiscal sponsorship by NāOM Lab is subject to the Terms & Conditions of Fiscal Sponsorship by NāOM Lab LLC, which includes a management fee between 6%-10%, depending on volume of gross receipts.

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Active Sponsorships

KCD Washington DC

Cloud Native DC

CloudNative NoVA